If you are serious about boosting your career and getting exposed simply navigate through the following steps:
- View the pricing structure.
- View and agree to the terms of use and Privacy Policy
- Register your details on line here; or
- Print a membership agreement. * (88kb pdf)
Fill out all the required information and forward the membership form, photos, audio and video reels (optional) and payment (membership package) to your agent or eCaster. Please note that a fee may apply for entering your profile information, therefore you should check with your agent or the pricing structure first.
What happens next?
- Registered on-line - Once you register on-line your application will be validated by eCaster. You should allow 24 hours for this to occur. You will receive an e-mail notice once your account has been activated enabling you to login to the eCaster system with your username and password.
- Manual Registration - When eCaster receives your membership package, your information will be entered. You should allow about 5 working days for this to occur. You will be advised by e-mail once your account is activated enabling you to login to the eCaster system with your username and password.
- Once you have successfully logged on, navigate the My Profile menu item to view and edit details about your looks, skills, experience, training etc and up load your digital photos, audio and video reels.
If you are a represented artist, your agent will validate the information loaded. You should allow up to 24 hours for this to occur.
Your portfolio is now on line and visible to top casting professionals when they are casting their next project. Good Luck!

* These files require
Acrobat Reader.
You can
Acrobat Reader
from Adobe's website.